Anna Cai

High School Student

Hobby Calculator

animated picture of calculator

Find out how much time you are going to spend on an activity by the year 2050!

Created With: HTML, CSS, jQuery

Grocery Store-y

animated picture of grocery store

Play this choose-your-own-adventure game where the decision between different scenarios are at your fingertips. Choose wisely, your fate will be determined by a click of a button (or maybe several clicks and buttons).

Created With: HTML, CSS, jQuery

Mad-Libs Fortune Teller

animated picture of magic crystal ball

Find out your fortune

Created With: HTML, CSS, jQuery

Growing Flowers

animated picture of flower

Take care of your virtual flower and watch it grow!

Created With: HTML, CSS, jQuery

My Playlist

animated picture of music note

Currently bopping to these songs!

Created With: HTML, CSS, jQuery

Giphy Project

animated picture

Randomize a gif!

Created With: HTML, CSS, jQuery

Fast Food Trivia

animated picture

Think you know fast food? Try answering these trivia questions!

Created With: React